Furrbulous fun!
We love dogs at Festival Place – and if you have a well-behaved furry friend who’d love to help you sniff out some great bargains, we'd be delighted to welcome you. Please read our guidelines below to ensure your visit is a pleasure for both you and our other centre visitors.
Download the Petiquette GuideImpawtant stuff
How do you know which stores are dog-friendly?
Dog-friendly stores will display a sign in their window!
We have over 100 stores taking part in the scheme!
A paw on a door means we welcome all well-behaved dogs

Tail wagging tips from The Lupo Academy
Here are Tracey from The Lupo Academy’s top tips for happy shopping with your dog:
- Set your dog up for success and go at a quiet time at first. Before the shops open is perfect.
- Go slowly, take your time. Your dog needs to adjust to slippery, shiny floors, bright lights, shop windows, escalators and things like the tannoys and other unfamiliar sounds.
- Let your dog have the chance to check things out, let them sniff things, give them time to watch and take in their surroundings.
- Be careful with automatic doors and lifts, your dog may not be familiar with these so pass through carefully reassuring your dog if needed.
- Give other dogs space, not all dogs like to meet others and the shopping centre is not the place for play.
- Take some yummy treats with you so you can make positive associations to the weird novelty they will see Be mindful of spillages including dropped food and cleaning products. Dogs are naturally scavengers so will be drawn to potentially harmful litter.
- Make sure you have poop bags and tissues to clean up after them just in case.
- Check the equipment you are walking them in is secure. Shopping centres are not the place for flexi leads!
- If your puppy is nervous around people, pass wide and it’s ok to tell someone they can only admire your puppy from afar until their confidence grows.