For safe and hassle free shopping for everyone, Festival Place operates a Customer Admission Policy.
Festival Place is Hampshire’s regional shopping destination located in the heart of Basingstoke Town Centre. To help us maintain a safe, secure, family friendly atmosphere we ask our customers to abide by the following code of conduct.
The following are prohibited within the boundaries of Festival Place:
1. Smoking inside the centre including the grand entrance on St John's, the car park, under the tent in Festival Square, River of Light between the bus station/Festival Square, under the canopy by the night-club and on Clifton Walk. The outside area of St John's also operates a no-smoking policy.
2. Shouting, use of obscene language or gestures, horseplay or playing of radios or other musical instruments not part of an organised event provided by centre management or without a busking license.
3. Loitering (including large groups of four or more as to cause an inconvenience to others), graffiti, spitting, harassment, throwing of any types of missiles, disorderly, disruptive or indecent conduct of any nature. Any Truancy will be reported to the authorities.
4. Acts that could result in physical harm to persons or damage to property including possession of any type of weapon.
5. Literature distribution, filming or photography without permission from centre management.
6. The use of skateboards, roller skates, roller blades, heelies, scooters or similar is prohibited on centre property. Excludes disability scooters.
7. Any act constituting a criminal act.
8. Consumption of alcoholic beverages, being intoxicated or taking/selling of illegal substances.
9. Shoplifters will be banned from BTCP premises.
10. All animals are excluded, apart from dogs, (including assistance dogs). For more info visit our dog friendly page.
11. Concealment of identity with clothing which may cause suspicion.
12. Wearing of crash helmets other than in the car park.
13. Any state of undress which may cause offence
14. Misuse or abuse of furniture, planters, walls, refuse containers or diffusers. Sitting on floors, paths or landscaped areas.
15. Blocking access to store entrances, emergency exits, corridors and parking areas.
16. Dropping of litter
17. Bicycles are excluded from all covered areas of Festival Place and must be walked across designated external areas of the centre
It is the policy of the property owner to recover the cost of criminal damage.
Festival Place is private property. The centre management team reserve the right to deny access to individuals. Failure to adhere to the Customer Code of Conduct may result in an on the spot fine and or a ban from the premises. Repeated offences will be reported to the Police. The Customer Code of Conduct is fully regulated. Festival Place participates and supports Hampshire Police’s policy of Agreed Behaviour Orders and Anti Social Behaviour Orders.
Festival Place, Basingstoke operates a CCTV scheme. The Centre monitors and records images for the purpose of crime prevention, detection, investigation and prosecution of offenders. In addition CCTV is used for staff and public health and safety purposes. CCTV cameras are located in the mall areas, car parks, lifts and service areas. For further information or to read a copy of the Festival Place CCTV Policy and Procedures document please call 01256 326022.
The Landlord and centre management team operate a civil recovery programme for damages to the property. Any criminal damage may result in a civil criminal damage recovery process.
Festival Place is protected by a fire alarm system. The Centre is divided in to zones. In an emergency one zone at a time will be evacuated, all escalators will stop and all lifts will return to the ground floor position. Tannoy announcements will be made, please follow instructions. Festival Place staff will be on hand to assist in directing you to safety