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Dry Cleaning

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Please note that Dry Cleaning is currently unavailable at Festival Place.

Festival Place offer dry cleaning services via our local Basingstoke partners Blanksons. Bring your garments to the Customer Service Lounge on the upper level, by Starbucks, and our team will liaise with Blanksons on your behalf so you can have your laundry needs sorted while enjoying our many shops and eateries.

Blanksons are a premier provider of specialist dry cleaning, ironing and laundering services for discerning customers. They pay attention to fine detail and use modern technology to ensure that your garments receive the best in fabric care.

With over 20 years' experience, they know what they are doing when it comes to fabric care to a supreme standard that you'll be delighted with.

Dry Cleaning

Blanksons' 'total fabric care' programme delivers consistent quality with every clean. Customers who require a more personalised service can opt for a 'premier' clean which includes retexturing, minor repairs and a special hand finish. As a specialist dry cleaner, Blanksons clean intricate garments like wedding and elaborate dresses, leathers and furs with the utmost care and skill required.

Item Price
2 Piece Suit £12.99
Jacket £8.99
Trouser £8.50
Long Skirt £9.99
Short Skirt £8.50
Knitwear £6.99
Blouse £6.99
Long Dress £13.99
Short Dress £11.99
Silk/Linen Dress £16.79
Evening Dress £16.99
Coat £12.99
Tie £4.99
Scarf/Shawl £6.99
Ski Suit £21.99


For customers who prefer to launder their own clothes to ensure their preference of detergents, Blanksons offer an ironing service that can be returned to you hung or folded.

Bulk Laundry and Ironing Price
Ironing per kilo £5.97. 0>2kg £10
Launder and iron per kilo £6.97. 0>2kg £12


Personal and household (duvets, blankets etc.) items are laundered to the highest standards and returned to you folded or on hangers feeling fresh and new.

Item Price
Shirt £1.85
5 Shirt Offer £8.97
Bed Set Offer(single/double) £10.97
Bed Set Offer(single/double) £11.97


Blanksons' bedding service is absolute quality, laundered and/or pressed to give that five star hotel finish.

Shirt Service

Keep your shirts looking crisp and whether you prefer them with or without starch, folded or on hangers, Blanksons guarantee you will be delighted with the results. Collars can be stiffened to sit equally perfectly on your perfectly crisp shirt.

Bespoke Dressmaking Repairs and Alterations

From bespoke suits to couture gowns, Blankson's expert repair and alterations service with Amanda Pennington Style is definitely one of the best. Services include vintage wear, suede and leather, and curtains.

Item Price
New Zip (trouser/skirt) £15.97
Lengthen/shortern (without tape) £14.97
Take in/let out waist £14.97
Shortern sleeve £17.97

Curtains, Loose Covers and Specialist Dry Cleaning

Your curtains and loose covers are cleaned according to the individual fabric requirements and finished with outstanding results. You will be professionally advised on the care and cleaning process.

Item Price
Wedding Dress £85.00
Curtains (per sq/m) £6.00

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