Get full marks in the back-to-school test

Home/News/Get full marks in the back-to-school test

Published on:11 AUGUST 2023

Why do the summer holidays always fly by so fast? The countdown to school starts here and we have everything you need to get full marks in the back-to-school test, from uniforms to pencil cases, lunch boxes and new shoes.

Shoes: Try on shoes at least a week before school starts to make sure they still fit. Check out the wear and tear – if a lick of polish will sort them out, pick up a Quick Shine Sponge, £6, from Clarks. Clarks is also one of the top choices for a great range of school shoes as well as New Look.

Uniform: From pinafores to skirts, dresses, trousers, shirts and jumpers, M&S has everything you need to kit your child out from top to toe. With repellent finishes for added durability, crease-resistant fabrics and scuff-resistant shoes, the range is ideal for mums and dads who need everything to be as fuss-free as possible. Next also now has its back to school shop with a huge range to choose from, and don’t forget to check out H&M too for its offerings including PE kits.

Desk: Let’s be honest, one of the best parts of August is replacing those dirty pencil cases and broken pens and stocking up on shiny new stationery for the new school year. To pick and choose your favourites head on down to Typo for everything you could need from pens and notebooks to laptop accessories. Also try Ryman, Tiger and for cheap and cheerful options there’s always Poundland.

Accessories: So, you’ve got the shoes, uniform, right stationery all you need now is all the other cool stuff no self-respecting child would be seen without. Head to Smiggle where you will find everything from backpacks and lunchboxes, water bottles and pencil cases. So, you can turn up to the new term clutching goodies from your favourite brands, including Paw Patrol, Disney, Minecraft and Harry Potter!

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