How to get kids gardening

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Published on:25 APRIL 2024

How to get kids gardening

Getting children and young people into gardening is one of my biggest ambitions. I believe that if we can get them hooked at an early age then it will set them up for a lifetime of pleasure. I am also a big advocate for teaching children where their food comes from. The more we do that, the more intrigued and interested they become in eating it. In my opinion, getting children to grow is vital to a more healthy and happy life.

My top three tips of engaging kids in the garden are:

Get their hands dirty

Get children outdoors as soon as possible. Get them exploring how the grass feels on their feet or the dirt in their hands. We know that positive wellbeing and green spaces are connected, and that goes for children as much as it does for adults. Getting them to sow seeds with you is a great first gardening activity. They can feel the different types of seeds in their hands, enjoy pushing them into the holes, and feel the compost in their fingers as they sprinkle it on top. You can buy premade seed bombs you can throw around the garden which are great fun. Flying Tiger does a great range of jars and containers that are already pre filled with seeds and soil which makes things even easier.

Show them the wonder

You can capture children's attention by growing interesting plants that get them inspired. Sowing sunflowers is fun to do as a family as you battle to win the accolade of tallest plant. Growing plants that smell strongly like pineapple sage or chocolate cosmos is fascinating, and getting children to grow and eat their own fruit and vegetables is endlessly inspiring.

Keep them asking questions

You want children to ask questions and we should support them in doing so. ‘How do I look after it?’ ‘How fast will it grow?’ ‘Are Tomatoes always red?’ Are things you want to hear. It is how they learn and begin to broaden their understanding of the world around them. Gardening provides new ways for your children to ask you questions, and, if you don't know the answer yourself, then there is fun in finding out together.

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