Festival Place has become the first shopping centre in the UK to be named a ShopKind Champion.

The ShopKind campaign sees the retail sector uniting to ask people to ShopKind, acknowledging the important role of shopworkers and raising awareness of the scale and impact of violence and abuse against them. 

ShopKind Champions are key supporters of the campaign, committing to spread the ShopKind message on social media and across their businesses.

Festival Place launched Shopkind in 2020 post-Covid with a number of measures and initiatives including:

  • signage and staff badges reminding shoppers to “shop kind”, and a panic button in all stores for retailers
  • location tracking can be activated by retail and centre staff in situations where they feel unsafe and would like the security team to be able to see their position within Festival Place when at work
  • a lone function button for any retailers on their own in a unit
  • a half-price car parking scheme to support traders – especially with late night trade – ensuring they have access to a well-lit and secure car park they don't have to walk miles to get to. On top of this, a member of the team is always available to escort retailers to their cars
  • social posts on Instagram, X and Facebook throughout the year
  • working in partnership with the local police and the council on the campaign

FP Business Performance Manager Rachel Carter, who has led the ShopKind campaign at the shopping centre, said: “The safety of our retailers and staff is vitally important to us and we are keen to spread the ShopKind message far and wide.

“We are extremely proud to become the first shopping centre ShopKind Champion in the UK and we pledge to continue highlighting the essential role of shop workers in our communities and encourage positive behaviour in all retail areas.”

© Festival Place 2025